NP joins Net4Brain COST Action : A comprehensive Network Against Brain Cancer

Cost action

INP Team 9 is pleased to announce the launch of the COST Action "Net4Brain: A comprehensive Network Against Brain Cancer". This initiative, led by Prof. Xinzhong Li (Teesside University), brings together laboratories and universities from over 20 countries (Belgium , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Czech Republic , Estonia , France , Germany , Italy , Latvia , Luxembourg , Malta , Netherlands , Poland , Portugal , Romania , Serbia , Slovenia , Spain , Sweden , Switzerland , Turkey , United Kingdom, Israel, China, United States) including AMU / INP through the participation of François Devred.

Summary : It is estimated that 3.24 million new cancer cases and 1.66 million cancer deaths will be registered across Europe in 2024 and 40,800 of these deaths are from brain and central nervous system (CNS) cancers. Despite extensive efforts in molecular biology research, advances in biomedical engineering, artificial intelligence (AI) and big data science, brain tumours remain among the deadliest forms of cancer, resisting almost all conventional and novel treatments. To date, we do not fully understand the behaviour of this devastating disease, let alone the cause. To cure brain cancer, there are significant challenges in the early diagnosis, prognosis and patient stratification, drug development and drug resistance, and big data techniques. Addressing these challenges requires long-term continuous efforts and multidisciplinary collaboration.
This COST Action aims to significantly facilitate the translation of fundamental scientific discoveries into better clinical treatment and management of patients suffering from brain cancer. This aim will be pursued through the following main objectives: 1) to build a unique pan-European and multidisciplinary network focusing on brain cancer by combining state-of-the-art knowledge and innovative techniques; 2) to promote education and training in the areas of advanced neuroscience, neuroimaging, genetics and molecular biology, big data and computational techniques for the accurate early diagnosis, prognosis, patient stratification and treatment of patients with different types of brain cancer; and 3) to build an integrated pan- European brain cancer database and biobank platform for the benefit of the research and clinical community.

This action includes the following WGs:

  1. Non-invasive Biomarker Discovery
  2. Preclinical Modelling
  3. Pathogenesis and Tumour Profiling
  4. Mathematical & Computational Modelling
  5. Clinical Treatment Recommendation
  6. Dissemination and Exploitation

More info & links to come ...