Cover article from The NeuroCyto team in the Journal of Cell Biology

Cover journal

The NeuroCyto team published their latest work in the Journal of Cell Biology (article is available here), where they reveal the presence of distinct actin nanostructures within presynapses. The article is featured in the October issue of the journal, and made it to the cover that shows a nice picture of a neuron endogenously tagged for actin using CRISPR/Cas9. It opens new perspectives to understand the multiple roles that have been proposed for actin at presynapses.

Bingham D, Jakobs CE, Wernert F, Boroni-Rueda F, Jullien N, Schentarra EM, Friedl K, Da Costa Moura J, van Bommel DM, Caillol G, Ogawa Y, Papandréou MJ, Leterrier C.
Presynapses contain distinct actin nanostructures.
J Cell Biol. 2023;222(10):e202208110.

Highlight in Science Magazine Research Highlights

Press release from CNRS (in French)